Monday, 30 September 2013

Gap Year Week 16

The U.S.A is history for now. Experiences will live long in the memory though and perhaps despite the fact I may have overspent in the trip, I can satisfyingly conclude that it was worth every penny. Now it just planning, applications, more planning, visiting friends in Nottingham and in Canterbury, more planning, and preparing for Uganda. 

I think I may be more excited for this trip than the U.S.A. But first things first before I started all this. Gears of War Judgement, Gears of War, Gears of War 2 and Gears of War 3 with Rupert Arvidsson. You'd have thought that spending seven weeks with him would kill you, but to be perfectly honest it was a task that had to be done. We only completed one out of four after twelve eye sizzling hours. You'd also have thought we should have been playing the newly released Grand Theft Auto V, but to be honest I was never a fan (idiot). It was great to see James again as well and have a night out in Canterbury. 

University's of choice to apply for the fearsome Masters:

  • School of Oriental African Studies
  • UCL
  • King's College London
  • St. Andrews
There were so many damn topics to choose from you just don't know where to start or choose. This with time will narrow down although to be fair 'Global Governance and Ethics' at UCL sounds like a pretty nerdy topic to pick out all the ones encountered so far. References, Application fees, link after link after link it certainly does strain the eyes staring at screens for hours on end, but I guess it was always going to be a drawn out process. Honestly, can't wait to do the Masters and live in London! Converted from hating the city to loving it, countryside boy turned anonymous urban dweller. 

It is also strange to come home and you live somewhere else. I settled in well to Cambridge and the city is a nice place to live, close to Nottingham and close to London or vice-versa if I want to be in London sometime. The house just reminds me of Chilham house a few years back during school! Spending a cheeky weekend in Nottingham seeing all the friends was also a welcome relief from all the thinking, applications, and organizing places to travel.

- Ugandan Visa
- Malaria Tablets
- A heinous amount of injections for yellow fever, meningitis, typhoid and Hepatitis A that leaves the arm aching.
- Malaria tablets: seventy five to be taken two days before the trip and one month after return.
- First Aid Kit.
- Collecting books together for the kids when I arrive in Uganda.
- Footballs and Sleeping Bag.

Matthew Williams